
I never considered myself into fashion – in fact I hated when something I loved became the “in” thing (lookin’ at you boho fashion when I was 15) – I don’t like shopping, and I occasionally have irrational aversions (pink, animal print of any kind, glitter) that others are really into and are, for other people, totally legit wardrobe choices. But I started getting compliments on how I put outfits together, on my accessories and how they match and compliment my clothing, and even general comments like “you always look so put together”, “you always match so well” and “I love your style.” So, I decided, if I can do it without spending much time or money or energy thinking about it, then you can too. Let me tell you what I know.

My primary guiding principles are: never suffer for fashion*, be intentional about what I buy and why, buy used whenever possible, prioritize mending and restyling of older items, and more skirts with pockets.

*exceptions apply (but don’t they always?)

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